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The world is starting to open up again after more than two long years of instability and uncertainty. Several businesses closed down due to lack of demand, or their operating expenses skyrocketed during the pandemic without guaranteed returns. 

Whatever the factor that made you close down your business since the Covid -19 pandemic occurred in 2020, don’t lose hope. You can start again, re-open and regain back what was lost. But before that, you might want to read this article and follow this comprehensive guide.

You must also consider that the behavior of your market has changed a lot in the past years which felt like a lifetime for some. Continue reading below as we discuss with you some marketing activities you need to do to gain back momentum. 

Evaluate where you currently stand

Like any marketing activity, you need to start internally first. Ask yourself, and observe your social media pages:

  • Did you lose followers / subscribers (people who are likely to buy from you)?
  • How did your customers feel when you closed down years ago? 
  • How was my marketing activities whether online or offline? 
  • How did they perform? 
  • Will your budget be enough for marketing activities? 
  • Are you prepared to build your brand once again? 

These are just some questions you need to answer that help you evaluate yourself. 

So for the sake of discussion, let us just assume that your follower count remained the same. Now you might ask, what do I need to do next? 

Plan potential marketing activities

Review your previous marketing activities, whether online or not. Which ones worked out, which ones flopped? Make a list of it and evaluate if that certain marketing strategy would be relevant for your brand today. 

When it comes to researching new marketing activities, go online and see what your competitors do on social media. If you see a new trend that they’re implementing on their platforms, ask yourself if this will fit your brand and if it will communicate well with your current audiences. If it does, list it down on new marketing trends to try and implement. 

Aside from marketing activities, 2022 is also the year you should venture into e-commerce, and digital marketing. It peaked in popularity when everybody stayed in during lockdown days. Consumers realized how convenient internet shopping is. Take advantage of this platform to expand and make your business come back stronger and better. 

Build brand curiosity and excitement

3 posts to prepare:

  • Post on your social media accounts once again to start building brand curiosity and awareness. 
  • Post a teaser date on when you would start operating again. 
  • Post a short write-up and express how excited you are, and how much you miss your customers on your social media page just to let them know that you’re coming back. 

Take this window as a time for you to get to know your customers’ behavior better. Make some short surveys, create engaging quizzes on Instagram stories. 

These data-gathering activities don’t just give you data but also give you an algorithm momentum that is quite beneficial for your re-opening. 

If you partnered with influencers before, it is also a good idea to partner with them again to make your intended audience who aren’t your followers know about your comeback. 

Plan your big reopening day

After gathering data from your customers, strategizing the effective marketing activities that you’ve listed (whether it’s your previous marketing activity or something fresh), the next thing you should do is make your re-opening day talked about. 

Aside from the help from your social media influencers, you should allocate a budget for promos, giveaways, freebies, and other similar activities. 

Make your relaunch trend if possible, and most importantly, make some noise for your brand. 

Now that you’ve reopened what’s next? 

One word: Consistency. 

Remain consistent in posting relevant social media content or blogs. Engage with your followers, reach out to new potential ones by leaving a like or a comment on their post. Social media is a community, build a friendly and engaging one for your brand. 

Remember that it takes time for you to grow organic followers. So don’t panic if you don’t encounter customer conversion like how it was before. 

Be patient, and continue doing what you are doing. 


Regaining momentum is not an overnight thing. Just because you want to re-open your business, it doesn’t mean that you will instantly reach your popularity. It takes time, effort, and preparation so you can reach your marketing goals, and regain momentum. 

So those are some of the marketing activities that you could do for your brand as you reopen this 2022. Planning to do bigger marketing activities on your comeback? Do not hesitate to reach out to us and let’s talk possibilities for your brand.